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BlackStar's Patent Portfolio

Overview of Our Intellectual Property

At BlackStar, we're at the forefront of innovative financial technology, as evidenced by our active engagement in patenting key technological advancements. With one patent already nearing final approval and four more in the pipeline, our commitment to securing our intellectual property is a testament to our dedication to pioneering the blockchain-based financial solutions industry.

Our Progress with the USPTO

  • Patent Achievements: We received our Blockchain Equity Trading Patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on December 26th, 2023, marking a significant milestone for the company.
  • Engagement with Haynes and Boone, LLP: For all our patent-related matters, we collaborate with Haynes and Boone, LLP, a globally recognized law firm known for its expertise in intellectual property.

BlackStar’s Family of Blockchain Patents

Our patent portfolio is strategically designed to cover crucial aspects of our Digital Trading Platform:

1) System And Method For Matching Orders And Immutable Blockchain Ledger For All Customer Trading Activity With Settlement Into The Broker-Dealer Ecosystem.

ISSUED UTL Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc. 

The present invention discloses a system and method of trading regulated equities with the SEC on an immutable blockchain while also integrating with the rules and regulations of the existing brokerage ecosystem. In these systems and methods, customers are invited by at least one broker-dealer to participate as a user on the digital trading platform to take a cash immutable action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid, or offer. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller. 


2) System And Method For The Trading Of Registered Equities With The Securities And Exchange Commission On An Immutable Blockchain With Settlement Into The Broker Dealer Ecosystem.

ISSUED UTL Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc.

The present invention discloses a system and method of trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain on an immutable blockchain, while also integrating with the rules and regulations of the existing brokerage ecosystem. In these systems and methods, customers are invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as a user on the digital trading platform to take a cash immutable action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller.


3) Systems And Methods For The Regulated Trading Of Registered Equities With The Securities And Exchange Commission On An immutable blockchain With Settlement Into The Broker Dealer Ecosystem.

ISSUED UTL Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc. 

The present invention discloses a system and method of trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain on an immutable blockchain, while also integrating with the rules and regulations of the existing brokerage ecosystem. In these systems and methods, customers are invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as a user on the digital trading platform to take a cash immutable action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller. 


4) Systems And Methods For Using A Digital Trading Platform To Trade Securities On A Blockchain.

ISSUED UTL Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc.

The present invention discloses a system and method of trading securities on a blockchain. In these systems and methods, users participate on the digital trading platform to take an action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer, which is encrypted as encrypted data. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller.


5) System And Method For Facilitating A Public Offering On An Immutable Blockchain Provided To Eligible Qualified Investors Based Upon Priority Of interest.

ISSUED UTL Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc.

The present invention discloses systems and methods for facilitating a public offering for a company on an immutable blockchain. The disclosed systems and methods provide hosting indications of interest on a blockchain for potential, initial or secondary future offerings proposed by a company and provided to interested investors on a first-come, first-serve basis. After qualified investors establish their interest in a public offering by returning their indications of interest, a list of prioritized members eligible to invest in the company based upon the recorded time and date of the indication of interest is established, and a fair distribution flow of the public offering is created by providing prioritized members a fair distribution of securities.   


6) System And Method For Preparing For A SEC Financial Statement Audit By Recording Corporate Governance Information On An Immutable Blockchain.

ISSUED UTL Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc. 

The present disclosure describes systems and methods for storing pertinent company information on an immutable blockchain. Preferred embodiments disclose systems and methods of preparing for, and complying with, a SEC financial statement audit by recording corporate governance information on an immutable blockchain. The recorded information, which cannot be subsequently backdated or manipulated, provides SEC auditors compliant and accurate information, which streamlines the audit and reduces costs.

BlackStar’s Family of Blockchain Patents

    • Our patent portfolio is strategically designed to cover crucial aspects of our Digital Trading Platform:

      1. Digital Trading:

        • Status: Patent Approved (USPTO), U. S. Patent No. 11,854,080, Issue Date: December 26, 2023
        • Titles of Invention: "System And Method For Matching Orders And Immutable Blockchain Ledger For All Customer Trading Activity With Settlement Into The Broker Dealer EcoSystem."
        • Abstract: The present invention discloses a system and method of trading regulated equities with the SEC on an immutable blockchain while also integrating with the rules and regulations of the existing brokerage ecosystem. In these systems and methods, customers are invited by at least one broker-dealer to participate as a user on the digital trading platform to take a cash immutable action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid, or offer. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller. 
      2. Corporate Governance:

        • Status: Patent Allowed, Will Be Issued On: April 23, 2024
        • Title of Invention: “System and Method for Preparing for a SEC Financial Statement Audit by Recording Corporate Governance Information on an Immutable Blockchain.
        • Abstract: The present disclosure describes systems and methods for storing pertinent company information on an immutable blockchain. Preferred embodiments disclose systems and methods of preparing for, and complying with, a SEC financial statement audit by recording corporate governance information on an immutable blockchain. The recorded information, which cannot be subsequently backdated or manipulated, provides SEC auditors compliant and accurate information, which streamlines the audit and reduces costs.
      3. Public Offering | Raising Capital:

        • Status: Patent Published
        • Title of Invention: “System and Method for Facilitating a Public Offering on an Immutable Blockchain Provided to Eligible Qualified Investors Based Upon Priority of Interest.”
        • Abstract: The present invention discloses systems and methods for facilitating a public offering for a company on an immutable blockchain. The disclosed systems and methods provide hosting indications of interest on a blockchain for potential, initial or secondary future offerings proposed by a company and provided to interested investors on a first-come, first-serve basis. After qualified investors establish their interest in a public offering by returning their indications of interest, a list of prioritized members eligible to invest in the company based upon the recorded time and date of the indication of interest is established, and a fair distribution flow of the public offering is created by providing prioritized members a fair distribution of securities.
      4. Trading Of Registered Equities:

        • Status: Patent Published
        • Titles of Invention: "Systems And Methods For The Trading Of Registered Equities On An Immutable Blockchain With Settlement Into The Broker Dealer Ecosystem."
        • Abstract: The present invention discloses a system and method for the  trading of registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain on an immutable blockchain, while also integrating with the rules and regulations of the existing brokerage ecosystem. In these systems and methods, customers are invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as a user on the digital trading platform to take a cash immutable action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller. 
      5. Regulated Trading Of Registered Equities:

        • Status: Patent Published
        • Titles of Invention: "Systems And Methods For The Regulated Trading Of Registered Equities With The Securities And Exchange Commission On An immutable Blockchain With Settlement Into The Broker Dealer Ecosystem."
        • Abstract: The present invention discloses a system and method of trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain on an immutable blockchain, while also integrating with the rules and regulations of the existing brokerage ecosystem. In these systems and methods, customers are invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as a user on the digital trading platform to take a cash immutable action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller.
      6. Digital Trading Platform:

        • Status: Patent Pending
        • Titles of Invention: "System And Method For Using A Digital Trading Platform To Trade Securities On A Blockchain."
        • Abstract: The present invention discloses a system and method of trading securities on a blockchain. In these systems and methods, users participate on the digital trading platform to take an action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer, which is encrypted as encrypted data. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller.
      7. Audit By Recording Corporate Governance Information:

        • Status: Patent Pending
        • Titles of Invention: "Systems And Methods For Preparing For An Audit By Recording Corporate Governance Information On An Immutable Blockchain."

Note on Patent Applications

  • Revisions and Refilings: The titles and contents of our patents, especially for the Governance and Public Offering categories, are subject to ongoing revision and refiling, reflecting our adaptive approach in a dynamic tech landscape.
  • Expected Approvals: We anticipate the approval of our DERIVATIVE pending patent filed in 2024 to be Allowed in 2025.

Looking Ahead

  • BlackStar is committed to continually expanding and securing our portfolio of blockchain technology patents. These patents not only protect our innovative solutions but also lay the groundwork for the future of blockchain in the financial sector.

    For more detailed information on each patent or our patenting process, please visit the USPTO website or contact us directly.